lauantai 26. helmikuuta 2011

NRHA Professionals Meeting on Animal Welfare and Medications

Below you will find the conclusion that was made at the end of the February 4 Professionals Workshop in Oklahoma City. The working group mentioned will meet again to address the items listed and any others that may arise in the process. The report below shows the general direction they have in mind. We are looking to schedule a date so the group can work on adaptations they will support. As you will read, they will be discussing disciplinary procedures, levels of penalties, forbidden/allowed substances, where to test, who we would have the ability to test, etc.

NRHA Professionals Workshop
Feb. 4, 2011

Continue to amend and adapt current draft (i.e. penalties, Hearing Body, disciplinary procedures, and medications that would be phased in and not be career damaging. Intent to start testing at the Open Futurity due to cost.)
• Establish a working group to create a policy that is good for the horse and the industry, and that can withstand public opinion. (Group consists of all attendees from this meeting. Invite Top 25 Open Riders and all Million Dollar Riders to OKC for discussion. Working group to meet following.)
• Working Group: Brian Bell, Shane Brown, Shawn Flarida, Michelle Flarida, Gabe Hutchins, Bev King, Ann Salmon, Craig Schmersal, Ginger Schmersal, Sam Smith, Fred Thomsson, Josh Visser and Carrie Visser (plus task force members and consultants)

Want to hear more about the draft or want to share your input? Attend a Town Talkin your region or participate in the Online Forum.


perjantai 25. helmikuuta 2011

2011 Opening Show in Europe 24 Int. Western Horse Show in Bremen

Euroclassics Pferdesportfestival
Bremen 2011
25. Februar 2011

Western is a form of horse competition that has developed from American cowboys way of living. The first Western Show in Europe 2011 starts in Bremen Germany today 25.2. 9:00 (CET).  In this western show there is NRHA (National Reining Horse Association), FEI/CRI (Fédération Equestre Internationale/Concours Reining International) and AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association) classes:

AQHA/DQHA Halter Stallions, Mares, Geldings
AQHA Junior Reining Open (Pattern #4)
AQHA Hunter under Saddle all Ages Open
FEI CRI 2** 2500 CHF add. (Pattern #9)
AQHA Senior Reining Open (Pattern #9)
AQHA Junior Western Pleasure Open
AQHA Senior Western Pleasure Open
NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Non Pro Reining 2000 $ add. (Pattern #6)
NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open Reining 5000 $ add. (Pattern #5)

Starts (not starting order) in FEI CRI 2**
A HOLLYWOOD ALL STAR/ Adrienne Speidel, Hombrechtikon (SUI)
A SHINING SENSATION / Roel vam Dijk, JJ Beets (NED)
BRADY CHEX / Rieky Young, KG Vorstenbosch (NED)
CARLOS GRAND PEPPY / Nico Hörmann, Bünde (GER)
DIXIES LIL RUF / Nico Hörmann, Bünde(GER)
DOCTOR ZIP NIC / Sylvia Rzepka, Neu Mitterndorf,( GER)
MAGNUM LICORICE CHIC / Sanne Skovrider, Flemming (DEN)
MR ALI BO SUN / Dave R Young, KG Vorstenbosch (NED)
SPOTTED ON TOP / Markus Süchting, Steyerberg (GER)
SLIDE ME SOME SUGAR / Anne Grether, Maarsteg (NED)
GK HOLLYWOOD SHOWTIME / Rudi Kronsteiner, Freystadt (AUT)

maanantai 21. helmikuuta 2011

$285,000 added NRHA European Futurity at Kreuth Germany 27.3-2.4

Already more Open Entries than in 2010 now!

The first statistics of the show office are available now after the first deadline. And they are amazing! On February 4, there were already 114 entries in the Open Futurity and 54 in the Non Pro. This means already 4 entries more at the first deadline than the number of total entries in 2010 (110). In the Non Pro, total entries in 2010 were 60 – now there are already 54. Further details of the entered horses and their riders will be published shortly.

Information and Entries:
Eventomania UG, Birgit Seubert, phone +49 8458 – 331155 or +49 179 9087361 Fax +49

2011 NRHA European Futurity even more attractive for Visitors with Futurity Fair and Show Program during the Finals

This year, the NRHA European Futurity Finals at Kreuth / Germany will be evn more attractive for visors. On April 1 and 2, Europe’s best 4-year-old horses and riders will run for prestigious titles and their share of the purse of $ 285,000 added money. Besides this there will be show and entertainment like a free dressage with Alexandra Rebec. The Horsemanship Trainer from Weissenburg already charmed the visitors of the Horse International Fair in Munich Riem. She shows the natural way of handling horses easily if you know how to make yourself understood by using body language. Also, there will be a lottery of very interesting prices like a week-end at the beautiful Wellness Hotel Mohr Life Resort in Leermoos, Austria (The resort is owned by famous Non Pro reiner and former NRHA Reserve World Champion Non Pro Tina Kuenstner-Mantl) or an I-Pad.

No Livestream for Europe during the final week-end

However, whoever wants to win one of these prices will have to be in Kreuth during the finals. The Showmanagement of the NRHA European Futurity indicates that the livestream will be cancelled in Europe on April 1 and 2 (the livestream is available for visitors from outside Europe during these 2 days). So reining fans should come to Kreuth anyway. There is no admission fees for visitors.

Futurity Fair with Trainer Talk

The 2011 NRHA European Futurity not only first class reinings, but also a Futurity fair with international exhibitors in the Ostbayernhalle as well as in the Festhalle Rieden. Here, the big trainers and breeders present themselves. The Festhalle Rieden will be the place for reining fans who want to get in contact with top trainers or would like to get more information from breeders. Also, there is a Trainer Talk. The Festhalle is open from March 30 to April 2.

maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011

Shawn Flarida NRHA Rider of the Year

Shawn Flarida NRHA:n vuoden ratsastaja
Shawn Flarida and RC Fancy Step
Shawn Flarida on valittu NRHA:n vuoden ratsastajaksi. Flarida on NRHA:n ensimmäinen neljän miljoonan dollarin ratsastaja ja sai tittelin lisäksi satulan, vyönsoljen ja Arenus hevosen terveys ja ravinnetuotteita vuoden tarpeiksi. "Tämä titteli ei olisi voinut mennä paremmalle ratsastajalle. Shawn sen lisäksi että on miellyttävä persoona on myös erittäin sitoutunut reinning urheilun kehittämiseen." sanoin Arenuksen ravinnespesialisti Brady Karren.
Reining champion Shawn Flarida, an NRHA Professional, has added another win to his long and impressive resume, riding away with the 2010 Arenus Rider of the Year title. Sponsored by Arenus, a premier provider of innovative health and nutritional products for pets and horses, in conjunction with the NRHA, Flarida won the Rider of the Year title aboard RC Fancy Step, owned by the Plummer Family of SDP Buffalo Ranch in Fort Worth, Texas. Arenus is an NRHA Corporate Partner.

“We are really proud of Shawn for winning the title and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person or to a rider who is more committed to the sport of Reining,” said Brady Karren, Arenus Equine Sales Specialist/Nutritionist. “Shawn has been supporting Arenus for a long time and serves as an Arenus Ambassador because he believes in our products. Arenus wants to congratulate all the Rider of the Year winners. Everyone put in a great amount of effort and dedication and Arenus is once again pleased to sponsor the Rider of the Year award.”

Flarida, who is NRHA’s first Four Million Dollar Rider, took home a saddle, a belt buckle and a one-year supply of Arenus products for winning the Rider of the Year title. Marcy Vermeer and Gunners Special Nite placed second in the standings for Rider of the Year, Jordan Larson and Mr Jerry Lee Surpriz won third and Heather Johnson and Doubleknotyourreeboks placed fourth. In the non pro division, Frederick Christen and Skeets Little Annie placed first, Kim Muehlstaetter and Country Custom second, Melissa Wigen and Double Decked Chex third and Callie Abing and Smart Nu Spook fourth.

“The Rider of the Year program was once again very successful and Arenus wants to thank everyone who helped make it so,” Karren said. “Shawn uses the Arenus product ASSURE®, a digestive product, and I know Shawn will want to look at other Arenus products with his free one-year supply of products. Shawn’s winning partner, RC Fancy Step, used ASSURE during the 2010 Alltech® FEI World Equestrian Games when they helped the Team USA win a Gold Medal.”

ASSURE® is an innovative digestive supplement that, when fed daily, helps to support overall hindgut health through Arenus’s exclusive GST® technology of direct-fed microbials. ASSURE® Guard is an innovative digestive supplement designed to help horses maintain normal digestive function with lifestyle stresses like competition, training and feed changes. “In addition to ASSURE, many reining riders use STEADFAST® Equine, a joint health product specifically designed for horses with a high-demand lifestyle, which supports total structural joint integrity,” Karren said.

Arenus also features the product families EQUILITE herbal blends, SORE NO-MORE® topicals, and two products containing DHA/Omega-3- fatty acids. ALEIRA contains DHA with a proprietary blend of mushrooms to support respiratory health and RELEIRAcontains omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients to support normal reproductive function.

About Arenus

Arenus is a premier provider of innovative health and nutrition products for pets and horses. Arenus is a growing division within Novus Nutrition Brands, a global company dedicated to Health and Nutrition Through Science. To learn more about Arenus products, or find an Arenus event near you, call (866) 791-3344 or visit

Photo by Waltenberry

perjantai 11. helmikuuta 2011

NRHA:n talous kääntynyt kasvuun vaikeiden vuosien jälkeen

Seppo Perkiö and Burt Lancaster
Viime vuosina on NRHA:n ( National Reining Horse Association, ) toiminta ollut laskusuunnassa maailmantalouden ollessa vaikeuksissa. Nyt suunta on kääntynyt ja toiminnan tunnusluvut ovat kääntyneet ylöspäin.
Joulukuussa 2010 järjestetyissä NRHA:n Futuriteissa Oklahoma Cityssä USA:ssa varattiin kilpailuun osallistuville hevosille 2100 karsinaa. Tässä on yli 10% kasvua vuoteen 2009 verrattuna. NRHA on panostanut voimakkaasti ruohonjuuritason reininingiin ja Futuritien alimpien tasojen lähtijämäärät kasvoivat 45% vuoteen 2009 verrattuna. Kisojen yhteydessä pidettyjen hevoshuutokauppojen liikevaihto kasvoi 63%. Yksistään Futurity Prospect Sale huutokaupassa (jossa myytiin 2 vuotiaita hevosia) kokonaismyynti nousi  lähes 1,5 miljoonaan dollariin ja Breeders Showcase huutokaupassa (1 vuotiaita hevosia) myynnin kokonaissaldo oli n. 1,2 miljoonaan dollaria.

NRHA Futurity Prospect Sale December 2010,
Splashin In The Wave sold for $200.000
Huutokauppojen kohokohta saavutettiin kun Craig ja Ginger Schmersal myivät 2 vuotiaan Splashin In The Wave Quarter orinsa $200.000 hintaan. Gus ja Gaynia Revenberg ovat uudet onnelliset omistajat.

Myös Euroopan reining on kehittymässä voimakkaasti. Parhaat eurooppalaiset ammattilaiset pystyvät nykyään haastamaan USA:n huiput. Tämä näkyy myös muutenkin, koska ennätyksiä tehtiin myös uudessa  NRHA European Nomination ohjelmassa.  Siihen maksetut hevoset saavat osallistumisoikeudet Euroopan Futuritiin (4 vuotiaat hevoset) ja Derbyihin (5, 6 ja 7 vuotiaat hevoset). Joukukuussa 2010 ohjelmaan maksettiin yhteensä 542 hevosta. Merkittävää on se, että USA:sta maksettiin näihin Euroopan kilpailuihin yhteensä 212 hevosta. Tämä on todella merkittävä saavutus aikana jolloin kasvattajilla on suuria taloudellisia vaikeuksia.  Mutta kuten nämä tunnusluvut osoittavat, olemme menossa kohti parempia aikoja niin USA:ssa, Euroopassa kuin Suomessakin.

Seppo Perkiö
NRHA Finland

keskiviikko 2. helmikuuta 2011

2011 NRHA Hall of Fame Inductees Boomernic, Shining Spark and Wimpys Little Step
2011 NRHA Hall of Fame lisäykset
Miljoonan dollarin ori Boomernic, kahden miljoonan dollarin ori Wimpys Little Step, kolmen miljoonen dollarin ori Shining Spark ja eniten rahaa NRHA:ssa voittanut hevonen (tamma) Collena Chic Olena ovat NRHA:n hallituksessa hyväksytty vuoden 2011 lisäys NRHA:n HALL OF FAME:iin.

Boomernic, owned by Silver Spurs Equine (Mike and Michelle Miola), Cave Creek, Arizona, was the winner of the 1992 NRHA Futurity.  The 1989 stallion by Reminic (NRHA Million Dollar Sire) and out of Docs Leavem Smoke by NRHA Hall of Fame inductee Mr Gun Smoke, Boomernic achieved NRHA Million Dollar Sire status in 2006.  His appearance in the NRHA Futurity show pen is still talked about today as a departure from the East Coast style of reining horse.  Boomernic was a product of the West Coast, a bridled-up reining style that made reiners sit up and take notice.  As a sire, Boomernic’s get include Mr Boomerjac ($138,829), a sire of NRHA Futurity Champion Taris Designer Genes; Commanders Nic ($258,815); Boom Shernic ($278,281); Peek A Boom ($78,308); Boomboomvoodoodaddy ($70,873); Boomernicker ($75,214), and others.

Collena Chic Olena (deceased), owned by Double Run Farm (Monica Watson) of Leland, North Carolina, was a 1995 daughter of NRHA Five Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic Olena and out of Collena Freckles by Colonel Freckles.  In the show pen she was a 1998 NRHA Non Pro Futurity finalist and earned $7,412 in a short show career.  With only three offspring to show, their average earnings are an amazing $218,704.  By Footworks Finest, Collenas Finest Tafy earned $132,986 and the 2006 NRHA Futurity Open Reserve Championship title.  Wimpys Little Chic, owned by Arcese Quarter Horses USA, Weatherford, Texas, is by NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire Wimpys Little Step.  She is NRHA’s Highest Money Earning Horse ($516,460) and the only horse to exceed $500,000 in NRHA Lifetime Earnings.  She was the first NRHA Futurity Champion (2007) to go on and win the NRBC and NRHA Derby the following year, what many have deemed Reining’s “Triple Crown.”  The future can only tell what this phenomenal mare will produce! Collenas Little Wimp was a finalist in the Congress Level 3 and Level 2 Open Futurity divisions and accumulated $6,666 in Lifetime Earnings.  Collena Chic Olena’s impact will be felt through her outstanding produce for many years to come.

Shining Spark, owned by Carol Rose, Gainesville, Texas, is a true product of Rose’s breeding program and long-range plan.  The 1989 stallion is by Genuine Doc and out or her Hall of Famer Diamonds Sparkle. “Spark” was destined to succeed and continue the legacy already established – and he hasn’t disappointed.  An NRHA Three Million Dollar Sire, he first made his mark in the show pen.  He was a finalist in the 1992 NRHA Futurity, placing sixth, and earned the 1994 NRHA Derby Open Championship.  His NRHA Lifetime Earnings total $55,170.  Shining Spark’s mark in the breeding shed is even more substantial.  His many outstanding get include Sailing Spark ($94,282), Just Gotta Shine ($103,925), Miss Rey O Shine ($159,714), and Shining N Sassy ($224,447) among others. The Rose dynasty will no doubt continue through Shining Spark and his long-line of outstanding get.

Wimpys Little Step, owned by Xtra Quarter Horse, Purcell, Oklahoma, continues his meteoric rise, first established in the show pen when he won the 2002 NRHA Futurity Open division.  By NRHA Hall of Famer and Million Dollar Sire Nu Chex To Cash and out of the outstanding Leolita Step by Forty Seven, he was the talk of the Reining and performance horse worlds following his win.  In such demand by mare owners he went immediately to stand at stud.  A wise choice it seems since he has already sired NRHA’s Highest Money Earning Horse, Wimpys Little Chic, who is out of Collena Chic Olena, one of the 2011 inductees.  As an NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire he continues to make history through his accomplishments in the breeding shed.  Among his stellar performers:  Yellow Jersey ($84,061), Wimpys Little Buddy ($202,245), RC Fancy Step ($343,801), Wimpys Little Chic ($516,460), and Wimpys Tonnob ($97,848) among others.  With a start like his, there is little doubt that this young sire’s prepotency will bode him well into future NRHA history books