On February 4, a Professionals Working Group was established in Oklahoma City during a Professionals Workshop on the proposed NRHA Animal Welfare and Medications rule change. This group agreed they would “continue to amend and adapt current draft (i.e. penalties, Hearing Body, disciplinary procedures, and medications that would be phased in and not be career damaging. Intent to start testing at the Open Futurity due to cost.)” In addition, they would “establish a working group to create a policy that is good for the horse and the industry, and that can withstand public opinion.”
A meeting was scheduled for March 22 for the group to work and to develop a recommendation to send to the NRHA Board of Directors. The report from this meeting is shown below. This group may continue to work on another draft of a policy at a later date.
It is important to note that a rule change was submitted in February and it is still on the April Board of Directors meeting agenda. The proposal will continue to be discussed and more input will be solicited at remaining Town Talks, on the online forum and via personal communication with members.
source: http://www.nrha.com/
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