tiistai 19. huhtikuuta 2011

Jessica Sternberg Leads NRBC Non Pro Preliminaries after First Section of Competition

The NRBC has the distinction of being the largest added-money reining in the world, and simply being a finalist is a great accomplishment – so the competition in this first section was intense.
At the end of the first day of competition, Jessica Sternberg of Aubrey, Texas, has the high score of not only the Non Pro – but also the Intermediate Non Pro, the Limited Non Pro, and Non Pro Level 1. Sternberg, who was a finalist in the 2010 NRBC Non Pro on Pop Top Whiz, was riding Shiners Chic, by Smart Chic Olena out of Ebony Shines. The pair marked a score of 221.5. Shiners Chic is owned by Rosanne Sternberg.

Topping the Non Pro Prime Time was former NRBC Non Pro Champion Jose Vazquez on SLJ Ruf Juice with a 219. SLJ Ruf Juice, owned by Smart Like Juice Inc., is by Smart Like Juice out of Ruf Catalyst.
The Non Pro preliminary competition concludes Tuesday afternoon. The top-30 entries in the Non Pro, along with the top-20 entries in the Intermediate Non Pro, Limited Non Pro, Non Pro Level 1, and Non Pro Prime Time will advance to the clean-slate finals on Friday, April 22.

Non Pro (top 20 of 67 riders – 86 riders more today)

1 221.5 Shiners Chic (Smart Chic Olena X Ebony Shines) Sternberg;Jessica Sternberg;Rosanne
2 219.5 Always Gotyer Gunsup (Colonels Smoking Gun X Always A Dunit) McCutcheon;Mandy McQuay Stables
3 219.0 SLJ Ruf Juice (Smart Like Juice X Ruf Catalyst) Vazquez;Jose Smart Like Juice Inc.
4 218.5 Hermosa Hollywood (Shine Big Time X Hermosa Dun It) Leal Jr.;Gerardo Leal ;Gerardo
5 217.5 The Great Tag (Whiz N Tag Chex X Pines BH (Shirleys Folly)) Griffin;Lance Griffin;Lance
6 - 7 217.0 Chic Out My Ride (Chic Magnetic X Gotta Git Ya Dun) McCutcheon;Mandy McCutcheon;Jim (James R )
6 - 7 217.0 Conquistadordaydream (Conquistador Whiz X Custom Dreamer) Morgan;James T Morgan;James T
8 216.5 Rufanicki (Lil Ruf Peppy X Chexanicki) Ruckman;Shaunda Rai Ruckman;Shaunda Rai
9 - 11 216.0 Hollynic (Reminic N Dunit X Shinaka) Solum;Philip Solum Brothers LLC
9 - 11 216.0 The Rio Deal (Inwhizable X Miss Dutari Rio) McCutcheon;Lindsey McCutcheon;Scott / McCutcheon;Kathleen M
9 - 11 216.0 A Lil Chantilly Lace (Lil Ruf Peppy X Chantilly Whiz) Winegar;Emily Green Valley Ranch
12 215.5 Fancy Lil Whiz (Conquistador Whiz X Ms Fancy Lil Nancy) Armenta;Matthew Armenta;Matthew
13 - 14 215.0 Commanderofthetide (Commanders Nic X Rip Tide Girl) Valcich;Carin Valcich;Carin
13 - 14 215.0 One Last Corona (Magnum Chic Dream X Corona Nita) Wiederholt;Charlie Wiederholt;Charlie
15 - 19 214.0 Cee Pepto Wood (Sweet Lil Pepto X Cee Miss Hollywood) Daggett;Alexis Daggett;Alexis
15 - 19 214.0 Memorex (Dunnit In Hollywood X Memorable Affair) Lambert;Victoria Lambert;Victoria
15 - 19 214.0 BR Dual Rey (TR Dual Rey X Cee Another Masota) McCandless;Deb McCandless;Deb / McCandless;Harry J
15 - 19 214.0 Kid Dunit This Time (The Great Kid X My Sunny Dun It) Garnett;Michael Garnett;Joanne C.
15 - 19 214.0 Kachina Tag Olena (Whiz N Tag Chex X Kachina Oak Olena) Griffin;Samantha Griffin;Lance
20 - 23 213.5 Etta Juice (Smart Like Juice X Doc Etta) Vazquez;Jose Smart Like Juice Inc.
20 - 23 213.5 Colonels Rock (Like A Diamond X Colonels Desire) Rafacz;Shannon Rafacz;Mark
20 - 23 213.5 Smoken Magnum (Magnum Chic Dream X Glendas Smoken Trash) Bissell;Lisa Bissell;Jamie
20 - 23 213.5 Reminic So Tari (Reminic N Dunit X Lena So Tari) Hall;Lauren Hall;Lauren

Intermediate Non Pro (top 15 of 56 riders– 75 riders more today)

1 221.5 Shiners Chic (Smart Chic Olena X Ebony Shines) Sternberg;Jessica Sternberg;Rosanne
2 218.5 Hermosa Hollywood (Shine Big Time X Hermosa Dun It) Leal Jr.;Gerardo Leal ;Gerardo
3 217.0 Conquistadordaydream (Conquistador Whiz X Custom Dreamer) Morgan;James T Morgan;James T
4 216.5 Rufanicki (Lil Ruf Peppy X Chexanicki) Ruckman;Shaunda Rai Ruckman;Shaunda Rai
5 - 6 216.0 Hollynic (Reminic N Dunit X Shinaka) Solum;Philip Solum Brothers LLC
5 - 6 216.0 The Rio Deal (Inwhizable X Miss Dutari Rio) McCutcheon;Lindsey McCutcheon;Scott / McCutcheon;Kathleen M  
7 215.0 Commanderofthetide (Commanders Nic X Rip Tide Girl) Valcich;Carin Valcich;Carin  
8 - 11 214.0 Cee Pepto Wood (Sweet Lil Pepto X Cee Miss Hollywood) Daggett;Alexis Daggett;Alexis  
8 - 11 214.0 Kid Dunit This Time (The Great Kid X My Sunny Dun It) Garnett;Michael Garnett;Joanne C.
8 - 11 214.0 BR Dual Rey (TR Dual Rey X Cee Another Masota) McCandless;Deb McCandless;Deb / McCandless;Harry J
8 - 11 214.0 Memorex (Dunnit In Hollywood X Memorable Affair) Lambert;Victoria Lambert;Victoria
12 - 13 213.5 Colonels Rock (Like A Diamond X Colonels Desire) Rafacz;Shannon Rafacz;Mark
12 - 13 213.5 Reminic So Tari (Reminic N Dunit X Lena So Tari) Hall;Lauren Hall;Lauren
14 - 18 212.5 Power Spook (Smart Spook X Powder Gay Barette) Hubbert;Debbie Hubbert;Debbie
14 - 18 212.5 Wimpys Golden Gunner (Wimpys Little Step X Gunner Getcha) Humphrey;Ryan M Dragoon Creek Quarter Horses
14 - 18 212.5 Shiney Gallo (Lena Gallo X Shiney Blonde) Tieche;Lauren Tieche;Lauren
14 - 18 212.5 Rio Grande Whiz (Topsail Whiz X Dunnits Daisy) Broten;Sally Broten;Sally
14 - 18 212.5 Memorable Moments (Wimpys Little Step X Memorable Affair) Lambert;Victoria Lambert;Victoria

Limited Non Pro (top 15 of 35 riders – 46 riders more today)

1 221.5 Shiners Chic (Smart Chic Olena X Ebony Shines) Sternberg;Jessica Sternberg;Rosanne
2 218.5 Hermosa Hollywood (Shine Big Time X Hermosa Dun It) Leal Jr.;Gerardo Leal ;Gerardo
3 216.5 Rufanicki (Lil Ruf Peppy X Chexanicki) Ruckman;Shaunda Rai Ruckman;Shaunda Rai
4 216.0 Hollynic (Reminic N Dunit X Shinaka) Solum;Philip Solum Brothers LLC
5 215.0 Commanderofthetide (Commanders Nic X Rip Tide Girl) Valcich;Carin Valcich;Carin
6 214.0 Cee Pepto Wood (Sweet Lil Pepto X Cee Miss Hollywood) Daggett;Alexis Daggett;Alexis
7 213.5 Reminic So Tari (Reminic N Dunit X Lena So Tari) Hall;Lauren Hall;Lauren
8 212.5 Shiney Gallo (Lena Gallo X Shiney Blonde) Tieche;Lauren Tieche;Lauren
9 212.0 SL Lil Smart Playgun (Playgun X Little Smart Ginger) Silverstolpe;Isabell Silverstolpe;Isabell
10 211.5 Tivitos Top Starlet (Tivitos Sugar Bar X Spanky Mae) Bergquist;Christina Bergquist;Christina
11 - 13 211.0 Trash N Gun (Colonels Smoking Gun X Little Trash) Roux;Sara Roux;Sara
11 - 13 211.0 Tivitos Whiz Kid (Tivitos Sugar Bar X Ms Gee Whiz) Roberts;Terri Roberts;Terri
11 - 13 211.0 He Gets The Chex (Skeets Peppy X Primero Chex) Putman;Teresa K. Putman;Teresa K.
14 210.0 SLJ Smart And Pretty (Smart Like Juice X All Dun Up Pretty) Dorminy;Katarina Dorminy Plantation
15 209.5 Wright Like Einstein (Einstein X Rosanna Lena) Greenall;Geri Greenall;Geri

Non Pro level1 (top 15 riders– 56 riders more to come)

1 221.5 Shiners Chic (Smart Chic Olena X Ebony Shines) Sternberg;Jessica Sternberg;Rosanne
2 218.5 Hermosa Hollywood (Shine Big Time X Hermosa Dun It) Leal Jr.;Gerardo Leal ;Gerardo
3 216.5 Rufanicki (Lil Ruf Peppy X Chexanicki) Ruckman;Shaunda Rai Ruckman;Shaunda Rai
4 216.0 Hollynic (eminic N Dunit X Shinaka) Solum;Philip Solum Brothers LLC
5 215.0 Commanderofthetide (Commanders Nic X Rip Tide Girl) Valcich;Carin Valcich;Carin
6 214.0 Cee Pepto Wood (Sweet Lil Pepto X Cee Miss Hollywood) Daggett;Alexis Daggett;Alexis
7 213.5 Reminic So Tari (Reminic N Dunit X Lena So Tari) Hall;Lauren Hall;Lauren
8 212.5 Shiney Gallo (Lena Gallo X Shiney Blonde) Tieche;Lauren Tieche;Lauren
9 212.0 SL Lil Smart Playgun (Playgun X Little Smart Ginger) Silverstolpe;Isabell Silverstolpe;Isabell
10 211.5 Tivitos Top Starlet (Tivitos Sugar Bar X Spanky Mae) Bergquist;Christina Bergquist;Christina
11 - 13 211.0 Tivitos Whiz Kid (Tivitos Sugar Bar X Ms Gee Whiz) Roberts;Terri Roberts;Terri
11 - 13 211.0 Trash N Gun (Colonels Smoking Gun X Little Trash) Roux;Sara Roux;Sara
11 - 13 211.0 He Gets The Chex (Skeets Peppy X Primero Chex) Putman;Teresa K. Putman;Teresa K.
14 209.5 Wright Like Einstein (Einstein X Rosanna Lena) Greenall;Geri Greenall;Geri
15 - 16 209.0 Sailing Rooster (Gallo Del Cielo X Sail Lynn Caroline) Bearden;Cam(Cynthia) Bearden;Cam(Cynthia)
15 - 16 209.0 Custom Derringer (Custom Crome X Sugar Pop Gun 1998) Martin;Michael L Martin;Michael L

Non Pro Prime Timer 50+ (top 15 of  20 riders – 44 riders more today)

1 219.0 SLJ Ruf Juice (Smart Like Juice X Ruf Catalyst) Vazquez;Jose Smart Like Juice Inc.
2 218.5 Conquistadordaydream (Conquistador Whiz X Custom Dreamer) Morgan;James T Morgan;James T
3 217.5 The Great Tag (Whiz N Tag Chex X Pines BH (Shirleys Folly)) Griffin;Lance Griffin;Lance
4 - 5 215.5 BR Dual Rey (TR Dual Rey X Cee Another Masota) McCandless;Deb McCandless;Deb / McCandless;Harry J
4 - 5 215.5 Kid Dunit This Time (The Great Kid X My Sunny Dun It) Garnett;Michael Garnett;Joanne C.
6 215.0 One Last Corona (Magnum Chic Dream X Corona Nita) Wiederholt;Charlie Wiederholt;Charlie
7 214.0 He Gets The Chex (Skeets Peppy X Primero Chex) Putman;Teresa K. Putman;Teresa K.
8 213.5 Etta Juice (Smart Like Juice X Doc Etta) Vazquez;Jose Smart Like Juice Inc.
9 - 11 212.0 Sailing Rooster (Gallo Del Cielo X Sail Lynn Caroline) Bearden;Cam (Cynthia) Bearden;Cam(Cynthia)
9 - 11 212.0 Custom Derringer (Custom Crome X Sugar Pop Gun 1998) Martin;Michael L Martin;Michael L
9 - 11 212.0 Nestles Chic (Chocolate Chic Olena X There In A Minute) Beckley;Jeff Beckley;April
12 - 13 210.0 Dont Miss This Gun (Dun Gotta Gun X Dont Miss This) Walker;Rick Walker;Marcia Cole-
12 - 13 210.0 Steppin Out Tuf (Wimpys Little Step X One Tuf Muffin) Wayne;Sherry Wayne;Sherry
14 - 15 209.0 Fifth Avenue Dun It ( Hollywood Dun It X Fifth AvenueCash) Lovett;Lyle Lovett;Lyle
14 - 15 209.0 Reminic At Work (Reminic N Dunit X Great Footwork) Silva, Sr;David J Silva, Sr;David J

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