lauantai 21. huhtikuuta 2012

NRBC: The Million Dollar Show, Open Derby go-round

NRBC Openin karsintaraja finaaliin on tänä vuonna 222,5. Tulostaso go-roundissa oli todella huima. Taitaa olla alansa "maailmanennätys". Ensi yönä on siis nähtävillä live streaminä todennäköisesti aivan uskomaton finaali. 

muistakaa katsoa: Free Live Webcast (2 arenas)
la 21.4 19:00 level 1-3 Open finaali
su 22.4 01:00 level4 Open finaali

2012 NRBC Open Finalists Announced!

Open Derby draw (level 4)
Open Derby draw (levels 1-3)

When the dust had cleared the arena following the Open preliminary round of the 2012 National Reining Breeders Classic, the Great Southwest Equestrian Center was abuzz with discussion of who would make the clean-slate finals on Saturday, April 21. The list of finalists was riddled with horses and riders who have earned major accolades in their career - but a few newcomers also graced the roll.

Leading the 33 entries that earned Open finals berths was Andrea Fappani, who rode his 2011 National Reining Horse Association Futurity Champion Lil Joe Cash, by Nu Chex To Cash out of RS Lilly Starlight, to a 228.5 to win the preliminary round. That win netted $17,041 for owner Russell Giles, and the special oversized check was presented during the Boehringer Ingelheim Open Finals Draw Party on Thursday, April 19.

The night was full of fun, with a 222.5 needed to make the Finals where the Open Champion will take home $75,000. In the Intermediate Open, the bubble was set at a 221.5, a 218.5 was needed to get a finals berth in the Limited Open, a 214 was the magic number in the Level 1 Limited Open, and it took a 219 to make the finals of the Open Prime Time.

Kenneth Sean Johnson finished the go-round in first place for both the Intermediate Open and the Limited Open on Mr Chicadual with a 226, winning $6,374 for the go. Mr Chicadual, by Mister Nicadual out of Chics Marcie, is owned by David Fell.

Topping the Level 1 Limited Open was Zane Haverty, who rode Whodini to a 224. The go-round win netted $575 for owner Clint Haverty. Whodini is by Who Whiz It out of Sugar Pop Gun 1998

In the Open Prime Time, Pete Kyle and A Ruf Gal have the high score with a 223.5. A Ruf Gal, by Lil Ruf Peppy out of My Topsail Gal, is owned by Pete and his wife Tamra. The Prime Time go-round win resulted in a $650 payday.

Results: NRBC Open Classic Preliminaries

Level 4 OPEN
1$17,041.03228.5Lil Joe Cash(Nu Chex To Cash X Rs Lilly Starlight)Fappani; AndreaGiles; Russel
2$11,292.25228.0Smoking Whiz(Topsail Whiz X Glendas A Smokingun)Fappani; AndreaSilver Spurs Equine
3$8,623.17227.5Shine On Line(Shining Spark X Oak Little Diamond)Mathison; JustinMathison; Justin / Jansma; Mary A.
4 - 6$6,570.03226.5Shine Chic Shine(Smart Chic Olena X Ebony Shines)Flarida; ShawnAmabile & Strusiner
4 - 6$6,570.03226.5Quistador(Conquistador Whiz X Missin Becky)Flarida; ShawnRevenberg; Augustine(Gus) / Revenberg; Gaynia
4 - 6$6,570.03226.5Eyed Be A Royal Chic(Smart Chic Olena X Eyed Be A Princess)Schmersal; CraigSnyder; Lee V
7 - 9$4,106.27226.0Tinker With Guns(Colonels Smoking Gun X Tinker Nic)Fappani; AndreaRancho Oso Rio
7 - 9$4,106.27226.0Mr Chicadual(Mister Nicadual X Chics Marcie)Johnson; Kenneth SeanFell; David
7 - 9$4,106.27226.0Heza Shiney Kodo(Kodo X Sheza Shinette)Bergen; ToddHoly Cow Performance Horses LL
10 - 12$2,532.20225.0Wimpyneedsacocktail(Wimpys Little Step X Seven S Mimosa)Boechat; ThiagoXtra Quarter Horses, LLC
10 - 12$2,532.20225.0Chicks Smokingun(Gunner X Dun It By Chick)Piper; NathanBradford; Mark
10 - 12$2,532.20225.0Spooks Gotta Whiz(Spooks Gotta Gun X Prettywhizprettydoes)Flarida; ShawnKimball; Michell Anne
13 - 15$1,847.82224.5Roosters Shiner(Gallo Del Cielo X Shiney Dresser)Jenkins; Tanya MWalewski; April
13 - 15$1,847.82224.5Chex N Flashy(Hot Smokin Chex X Boggies Barbee)Paul; RandyBroten; Sally
13 - 15$1,847.82224.5Relatively Sweet(Einsteins Revolution X Sweet Ginger Chic)Vandorp; RubenJackspar Enterprises LLC
16 - 20$0.00224.0Snappin Mesa Whiz(Tosail Whiz X Snappin Mackie)Gilson; TracerBooth; Loren
16 - 20$0.00224.0Smart Luck(Very Smart Remedy X Gunna Be Lucky)Bergen; ToddCable Creek Ranch Llc
16 - 20$0.00224.0Whodini(Who Whiz It X Sugar Pop Gun 1998)Haverty; ZaneHaverty; Clint
16 - 20$0.00224.0Its All About Smart(Smart Spook X Its All About Cash)Hudson; MatthewEquine Plus
16 - 20$0.00224.0Smoken Gunner(Colonels Smoking Gun X Royal San Pretty)Gagnon; LukeConner Zeitler; Petra
21 - 24$0.00223.5A Ruf Gal(Lil Ruf Peppy X My Topsail Gal)Kyle; PeteKyle; Pete / Kyle; Tamra
21 - 24$0.00223.5CFR Centenario Wimpy(Wimpys Little Step X Miss Hollywood Whiz)Larson; JordanRancho El Fortin
21 - 24$0.00223.5Tag This (Whiz N Tag Chex X This Chics On Top)Latimer; Duane WGriffin; Lance
21 - 24$0.00223.5Custom Spook(Smart Spook X Custom Spinderella)Gagnon; LukeRancho Oso Rio
25 - 28$0.00223.0Surpriseinadarkalley(Jerry Lees Surprise X Foxy All Cat)Gilson; TracerStory Book Stables
25 - 28$0.00223.0Spooks Eclipse(Smart Spook X Chex Drive)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyHinton; Casey / Hinton; Kathy A
25 - 28$0.00223.0Custom Cash Advance(Custom Crome X Cash In Roan)Latimer; Duane WLuga Quarter Horses, LLC
25 - 28$0.00223.0BH Is Packin Heat(Gunner X Bh Song And Dance)McCutcheon; ScottJones; Susan
29 - 33$0.00222.5West Coast Willie(West Coast Whiz X Cinderella Solano)Bissell; JamieJackson; John M
29 - 33$0.00222.5AR Oakies Last Stand(Starlights Wrangler X Okie Dokie Dunnit)Hendricks; DellLLC; Adair Reiners
29 - 33$0.00222.5No Wimpy Cowboys(Wimpys Little Step X Dunnits Cowgirl)Jenkins; Tanya MJenkins; Tanya M
29 - 33$0.00222.5Way Too Thirsty(Smart Little Thirsty X Shining High Roller)Schmersal; CraigHill-Schmersal
29 - 33$0.00222.5Show Your Guns(Colonels Smoking Gun X Good Time Show Girl)McQuay; TimStovel; Ken

Level 3 Intermediate Open
1$4,574.15226.0Mr Chicadual(Mister Nicadual X Chics Marcie)Johnson; Kenneth SeanFell; David
2$2,784.27225.0Chicks Smokingun(Gunner X Dun It By Chick)Piper; NathanBradford; Mark
3 - 4$1,939.05224.5Relatively Sweet(Einsteins Revolution X Sweet Ginger Chic)Vandorp; RubenJackspar Enterprises LLC
3 - 4$1,939.05224.5Roosters Shiner(Gallo Del Cielo X Shiney Dresser)Jenkins; Tanya MWalewski; April
5 - 7$1,392.14224.0Smoken Gunner(Colonels Smoking Gun X Royal San Pretty)Gagnon; LukeConner Zeitler; Petra
5 - 7$1,392.14224.0Whodini(Who Whiz It X Sugar Pop Gun 1998)Haverty; ZaneHaverty; Clint
5 - 7$1,392.14224.0Its All About Smart(Smart Spook X Its All About Cash)Hudson; MatthewEquine Plus
8 - 9$894.94223.5Custom Spook(Smart Spook X Custom Spinderella)Gagnon; LukeRancho Oso Rio
8 - 9$894.94223.5A Ruf Gal(Lil Ruf Peppy X My Topsail Gal)Kyle; PeteKyle; Pete / Kyle; Tamra
10 - 11$646.35223.0BH Is Packin Heat(Gunner X Bh Song And Dance)McCutcheon; ScottJones; Susan
10 - 11$646.35223.0Spooks Eclipse(Smart Spook X Chex Drive)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyHinton; Casey / Hinton; Kathy A
12 - 13$447.47222.5West Coast Willie(West Coast Whiz X Cinderella Solano)Bissell; JamieJackson; John M
12 - 13$447.47222.5No Wimpy Cowboys(Wimpys Little Step X Dunnits Cowgirl)Jenkins; Tanya MJenkins; Tanya M
14$298.31222.0Cornbread N Bud(Nic It In The Bud X Cornbread N Chicn)Petska; Jeffery JPetska Trinity Equine LLC
15 - 24$19.89221.5Starzz In Hollywood(Smart Starbuck X Sara Goes Hollywood)Brownshadel; PattiBrownshadel; Patti
15 - 24$19.89221.5Smokin Something(Colonels Smoking Gun X Chexanicki)Heikes; TroyPotts; Amy
15 - 24$19.89221.5Custom Crown(Custom Crome X Olena Peppy)Smith; Samuel JBagnell; Kathy
15 - 24$19.89221.5Chics Loaded Gun(Colonels Smoking Gun X Smart Chic Olynna)McBurney; SeanSawchuk; Gaylene / Knutson; Brian
15 - 24$19.89221.5Dun Whiz It(Topsail Whiz X Dun It In The Bay)Williams; Barbara G.Oldenburg Farm LLC
15 - 24$19.89221.5Im No Wimp(Wimpys Little Step X Smart Little Calena)Metcalf; CarolMiers; Mark Shannon
15 - 24$19.89221.5BH Wimpy(Wimpys Little Step X Dc Leigh)Wright; Brent JXtra Quarter Horses, LLC
15 - 24$19.89221.5Lil Gun Dunit(Lil Gun (Colonels Lil Gun) X Hollywood Baby Dunit)Heikes; TroyBixler; Denise
15 - 24$19.89221.5MC Gunner(Colonels Smoking Gun X Mi Mega)McCutcheon; ScottCovington; Jack L ( John )
15 - 24$19.89221.5Dainty Little Step(Wimpys Little Step X Tucks Little Poco)Baldus; BenWT Waggoner Estate

Level 2 Limited Open
1$1,799.76226.0Mr Chicadual(Mister Nicadual X Chics Marcie)Johnson; Kenneth SeanFell; David
2$1,095.51224.0Whodini(Who Whiz It X Sugar Pop Gun 1998)Haverty; ZaneHaverty; Clint
3$821.63223.5A Ruf Gal(Lil Ruf Peppy X My Topsail Gal)Kyle; PeteKyle; Pete / Kyle; Tamra
4$704.25223.0Spooks Eclipse(Smart Spook X Chex Drive)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyHinton; Casey / Hinton; Kathy A
5$626.00222.0Cornbread N Bud(Nic It In The Bud X Cornbread N Chicn)Petska; Jeffery JPetska Trinity Equine LLC
6 - 8$469.50221.5Dun Whiz It(Topsail Whiz X Dun It In The Bay)Williams; Barbara G.Oldenburg Farm LLC
6 - 8$469.50221.5Dainty Little Step(Wimpys Little Step X Tucks Little Poco)Baldus; BenWT Waggoner Estate
6 - 8$469.50221.5Starzz In Hollywood(Smart Starbuck X Sara Goes Hollywood)Brownshadel; PattiBrownshadel; Patti
9$313.00221.0Smokin With Royalty(Gunner X My Royal Enterprise)Howard; Nicolas CBooth; Loren
10 - 11$254.32220.5Fm Master Wimpy(Wimpys Little Step X Colonel Mistress)Adkins; RebeccaClark; John (Rick)
10 - 11$254.32220.5Wimpys Cute Tune(Wimpys Cute Tune X Gwyneth)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyNelson; Stephanie Diane
12 - 16$109.55220.0Dunit A Lil Ruf(Lil Ruf Peppy X A Bueno Poco Dunit)Salmon; AnnSalmon; Ann
12 - 16$109.55220.0Wimpys Lil Hollywood(Wimpys Little Step X Miss Hollywood Whiz)Martin; Todd4 R Performance Horses
12 - 16$109.55220.0Dun It Gotta Gal(Dun Gotta Gun X Fatal Attrashion)Kyle; PeteHatfield; Kayla Rae
12 - 16$109.55220.0Spooks Gotta Run(Spooks Gotta Gun X Prettywhizprettydoes)Formentin; MarcoJeffcoat; Michael
12 - 16$109.55220.0Bella Gunnabe Gifted(Gunner X Bay Brim Hat)Williams; Barbara G.Koepsell; Roxanne
17$0.00219.5One Flashy Rooster(Gallo Del Cielo X Flashy Jackie Jac)Norwood; BillNorwood; Kelli N
18 - 19$0.00219.0Quinberry(Don Quintana X Lil Miss Dynamito)Norwood; BillKoenig; Cheryl
18 - 19$0.00219.0Gunner Git Ya Dun(Colonels Smoking Gun X Gotta Git Ya Dun)Kyle; PeteE Bar Z Stables
20 - 23$0.00218.5Showtimes Packinagun(Mister Nicadual X Showtimes Tinseltown)Brown; GarthPalmer; Jeffrey
20 - 23$0.00218.5Master Pepto(Peptoboonsmal X Shiney Missy)Schaffhauser; SamLovett; Lyle
20 - 23$0.00218.5What A Lucky Hit(Hit The Lights X My Lucky Moonstone)Stark; CodyVickrey; Gary / Vickrey; Sandy
20 - 23$0.00218.5Thischicsamistress(Chocolate Chic Olena X Shiners Mistress)Loseke; BrentBrummett/Brooksby

Level 1 Open
1$575.00224.0Whodini(Who Whiz It X Sugar Pop Gun 1998)Haverty; ZaneHaverty; Clint
2$350.00223.0Spooks Eclipse(Smart Spook X Chex Drive)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyHinton; Casey / Hinton; Kathy A
3$262.50221.5Dainty Little Step(Wimpys Little Step X Tucks Little Poco)Baldus; BenWT Waggoner Estate
4$225.00221.0Smokin With Royalty(Gunner X My Royal Enterprise)Howard; Nicolas CBooth; Loren
5 - 6$187.50220.5Wimpys Cute Tune(Wimpys Cute Tune X Gwyneth)Van Der Hoeven; JimmyNelson; Stephanie Diane
5 - 6$187.50220.5Fm Master Wimpy(Wimpys Little Step X Colonel Mistress)Adkins; RebeccaClark; John (Rick)
7$150.00218.5What A Lucky Hit(Hit The Lights X My Lucky Moonstone)Stark; CodyVickrey; Gary / Vickrey; Sandy
8 - 9$112.50217.5Steppin Nifty Nic(Wimpys Little Step X Custom Nifty Nic)Fontana; Massimiliano (Max)Lambert; Carl
8 - 9$112.50217.5Whiz It A Chic(Who Whiz It X Chic Out Mamma)Coulter; LisaRussell; Stoney
10$87.50217.0Dunnit Bar None(Dunnit In Hollywood X Barr Doca)Fitzpatrick; ColinOHalleran; Pat / OHalleran; Tom
11$75.00216.5Shinettestidalwave(Tidal Wave Jack X Sheza Shinette)Moser; MikeMoser; Mike
12 - 13$56.25216.0HA The Looney Tune(Im Chairman X HA Chic A Tune)Putman; GaryHillis Akin Family Partnership
12 - 13$56.25216.0Gun In Tinseltown(Dun Gotta Gun X Showtimes Tinseltown)Pool III; James N (Trey)Kimmel; Jerry
14 - 16$20.83215.5Chex Golden Tag(Whiz N Tag Chex X Sr Cotton Candy)Buckley; JeffBuckley; Jeff
14 - 16$20.83215.5Dunits Shining Sun(Dunit Cocky X Shining Little Peach)Baruch; YonathanKC Performance Horses
14 - 16$20.83215.5Nicastar Lite(Mister Nicadual X Dun It On A Star)Pool III; James N (Trey)Kimmel; Jerry
17$0.00215.0Tin Top Kat(High Brow Cat X Moms Stylish Pepto)McBurney; JordanRhodes River Ranch
18$0.00214.5Hibeams Special Night(Smart And Shiney X Mifs Doll)Middleton; CalAnderson; Jon
19 - 21$0.00214.0Smartest Rooster(Gallo Del Cielo X Sweet Chicka Chic)Donnelly; KinzyTague; Nancy
19 - 21$0.00214.0Spooks Smart Remedy(Doc Chics Scoot X Spooks Golden Girl)Nordsiek; CodyJansma; Mary A.
19 - 21$0.00214.0Shiney Little Gun(Colonels Smoking Gun X Shining Little Peach)Quick; JustinQuick; Mande


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